Monday, May 17, 2010

Hydrangea wilting?

Have replaced it once... exact same hole. There are other hydrangeas close by which are having no problems and the sprinkler system seems to be hitting all of them equally. I've checked the soil and it seems to have the same moisture content as where the others are doing great.

Could it be something in the soil? Am I being fooled? Any suggestions?

I am thinking of cutting it back and giving it a bit of root stimulator and a fish emulsion feeding.

It is a 'Nikko Blue'..., there is an 'Endless Summer' with which I am having almost exactly the same issue. Others around it are doing fabulous.

Zone 6, have them in part shade... this really should not be happening.

Hydrangea wilting?
It could maybe have a bacterial wilt. This would need a fungicide. Yes, it could be in the soil. Treat before it spreads to others. Try Daconil or Fungonil or other fungicide available in your area.
Reply:It still could not be getting enough water, mine started wilting and I immediately gave it a couple gallons of water and it perked right back up
Reply:I am watching your question! I also have a Nikko Blue, and I am in zone 6. My Blue was planted about 7 years ago, is in a mostly shaded area, but when the little bit of evening sun hits, it wilts. I give it some water and it perks up again. The soil does not look dry though. This spring, I dug it up, amended the soil with compost and fertilizer, and moved it about 2 feet from it's previous location. Same problem! The soil is wet, but the plant wilts. Water it, and it seems revived. It is still a small bush, but the blooms this year are better than ever.
Reply:You have different hydrangea types. You other ones might withstand heat or sun better. I have Endless Summer, and every afternoon, it wilts a bit. It is in part sun/part shade. In the evening, it "comes back to life".

Do they stay wilted, even when it's shady and cooler? If they stay wilted, I can only echo Katie and say it's a fungus, disease or insects. If so, it could spread to the other hydrangeas.
Reply:Unlikely, but could it be overwatered? Overwatered plants will have the same symptoms as underwatered. Check for fungus and insect damage as well.

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