Saturday, November 14, 2009

Where should I plant a hydrangea plant, sunny or shade?

Hydrangeas grow in full sun or light shade. To liven up a shady area, choose light colored blossoms. To improve moisture retention and soil texture, ammend with compost or leaf mold before planting. Big-leafed hydrangeas require acid soil: pH 6.0 to 6.5 for pink flowers, pH 5.0 to 5.5 for blue ones. For seaside gardens, choose big-leafed hydrangeas. For hedges, plant hills-of-snow hydrangeas 2 to 3 feet apart.

Where should I plant a hydrangea plant, sunny or shade?
Well-drained, acid rich soil is best for blue flowers, alkaline for pink, white flowered varieties won't change colour - add peat at planting time. Prefers light shade.
Reply:Sunny. Also, make sure you put about 2-3 inches of mulch on top of the soil to retain moisture and protect the roots in winter (if you live in a region where it gets cold and the ground freezes). My mother's hydrangeas died because we didnt know that we had to do that. Also, again if you life in a cold climate region in the winter, wrap your plant in burlap to protect the branches from frost damage, which eventually kills the plant.
Reply:they do well in both locations,but you'll get better flowers in a mostly sunny spot...
Reply:Sunny it will bloom alot more

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