Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I have a beautiful hydrangea and...?

this hydrangea is over 10 yrs old. it has bloomed every year except for this one. it doesn't even have 1 leaf on it. its all sticks. what happened to it? i dont know what i did wrong. maybe i cut the old flowers off to soon? any suggestions?

I have a beautiful hydrangea and...?
I had to cut mine all the way to the ground this year, and now it is throwing off a lot of shoots. . . Had to this with a variety of plants because of the crazy weather :) GL!!!
Reply:I usually cut my hydrangea back every other year or so and it always comes back either way.

Try cutting it back and see what happens. Also, maybe a little fertilizer will help.

My hydrangea is close to 20 years old and I live in Minnesota.
Reply:It is probably the weather. Many people lost plants and shrubs from the colder than normal winter. And some had a late frost or freeze that killed many shrubs as they began to leaf out.

It's a wait and see situation now. Keep watering it for a couple of weeks and see what happens.

Teeth Cleaning

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